The most fundamental question that can be asked about information security is: are we safe? A pressing question now, because information security is crucial for the well-being or even the survival of your organization.

You have worked hard to make everyone in your organization aware of Information Security, implemented a series of technical measures or perhaps even implemented ISO27001.

But as you achieve greater security with these very helpful steps, you may have also realized that there is a gap between wanting and doing . In other words, do we really carry out everything we say we will do? So, are we really as safe as we hope?

A few examples:

-Assets: are you sure that no assets (such as a laptop but it could also be an IoT device) connect to your network (every now and then) without you realizing it?

- Software: are you sure there is no software installed on your IT environment that you are not aware of?

- Data: are you sure that valuable data (such as your Intellectual Property or highly confidential data that a customer shares with you) is only stored on appropriate information systems, is not shared outside these systems and, if necessary, is completely and correctly deleted?

- User accounts: are you sure that all user accounts (especially admin accounts!) are properly issued, properly revoked and can only be used under strict conditions (MFA, SSO)?

- Data recovery: are you sure that if you lose access to your data, you can recover your data and your critical processes within the contractually agreed timeframe with your customers?

And that brings us to the question: how can I effectively and efficiently check whether we are really safe?

In this webinar you will learn how an automated scan (CSAT) can be used to objectively and cost-efficiently check whether you are really safe. We also show how the results of these checks can be processed directly and automatically in Base27 so that you can immediately get started with any measures and easily keep a grip on the implementation of the measures.



1. 1 p.m.: short introduction by Eildert Karstens from IsoSecure


2. 1.05 pm: Explanation about CSAT by Roeland van den Berg from QS Solutions. Roeland will discuss:

- What is the Cyber ​​Security Assessment Tool (CSAT)?

- How does CSAT work, what is required and what does it deliver?

- How can CSAT be used quickly and efficiently in your organization?

- And what does that cost?


3. 1.25 pm: Explanation of how Base27 processes the CSAT scan results by Berend Tel from Base27. Berend will discuss:

- How and where the CSAT scan results are processed in Base27

- How Base27 is used in a practical and efficient manner to monitor the necessary measures and maintain control over security improvements

- Impact: what does it cost and what does it yield


4. 1:40 PM: Q&A.


5. 1.45 pm: Closing


5th of March 2024


13:00 CET







TELEFOON: 0651175245



QS Solutions



Base 27


Berend Tel

Base 27

Roeland van den Berg

QS Solutions

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